I'm trying to create ES cluster to collect logs from multiple clients during watching videos "start, pause and end ... etc"

Hi all,

I'm trying to create ES cluster to collect logs from multiple clients during watching videos "start, pause and end ... etc" what is the vest practice to for building this cluster with multiple nodes only master and data nodes ??

I think 3 master nodes and 2 data nodes is enough is this solution architect is the best or there is another best solution???

The best starting point is probably 3 nodes that are master eligible and hold data (default configuration). Make sure you set discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes to 2 to avoid split-brain scenarios. Just because you can set up dedicated master nodes does not mean you have to do so from the outset.

Thanks @Christian_Dahlqvist
You mean that i need to create 3 nodes work as master and data nodes ??

Yes, that is usually a good starting point.

Ok , but what about the best specs for the three nodes ??

Server 1:
    node.master : true
    node.data : true

Server 2:
    node.master : true
    node.data : true

Server 3:
    node.master : true
    node.data : true


@Christian_Dahlqvist you means that the 3 nodes has the same indecies and configuration as master and data nodes ??


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