Import saved object of type "apm-indices" does not work correctly


I am running version 8.12.2 and have an issue with the import of a saved object of type "apm-indices". It is not possible to set the attribute "apmIndices", it is always empty.


Payload (needs to be sent via POST as multipart-encoded files):


  "success": true,
  "successCount": 1,
  "successResults": [
      "id": "apm-indices",
      "managed": false,
      "meta": {
        "icon": "apmApp",
        "title": "APM Settings - Index"
      "overwrite": true,
      "type": "apm-indices"
  "warnings": []

But if I then inspect the created saved object, "apmIndices" is empty...

  "id": "apm-indices",
  "type": "apm-indices",
  "namespaces": [
  "updated_at": "2024-03-26T11:47:39.982Z",
  "created_at": "2024-03-26T11:47:39.982Z",
  "version": "WzI2MjM4OCwyNV0=",
  "attributes": {
    "apmIndices": {}
  "references": [],
  "managed": false,
  "coreMigrationVersion": "8.8.0",
  "typeMigrationVersion": "10.1.0"

Does anyone know why, am I doing anything wrong?
For other types like "metrics-data-source" same procedure works fine.

Thanks in advance!

Solved it on my own by adding the following to the payload:

"typeMigrationVersion": "10.1.0"

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