Importing Synthetic Monitoring

Hello Elastic,

I have inquiry where is there a way for us to import synthetic monitoring from different tools.

Specifically, we would like to migrate from Dynatrace to Elasticsearch and our Dynatrace already onboard more than 700 applications for synthetic monitoring.

Is there ways on how we import the synthetic monitoring from Dynatrace to Elastic?

Seeking for options on how do we do this efficiently.

Thank you.

Hi @aisyaharifin,

I'm not aware of a tool or mechanism to import monitors from Dynatrace specifically. Can you give a bit more detail on the types of Dynatrace monitors you have?

Hi @carly.richmond ,

Thank you for your reply, the type of monitors we had in Dynatrace is pretty much the same as in Elastic which is browser monitors and http monitors.

Would like to seek for your advice on how we can import for 700+ monitors that we had in Dynatrace into Elasticsearch, if possible. Just looking for an efficient approach to conduct this.

Thank you for your help!

Have you tried using an LLM like Chat GPT? It can do a surprisingly good job, though it may need a little extra help. For browser based monitors you can try asking an LLM to convert the syntax to playwright, since it doesn't always succeed in doing it for Elastic synthetics.

I haven't tried this with ChatGPT and dynatrace myself, and of course you'd want to be sure you weren't sending any sensitive info to the LLM unless it's one that handles that correctly.

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