Include Wildcard in index


I want to know it's is posible to includ a wildcard parameter when I create an index ?

I know that I can use a wildcard to filter on a visualization, but I can specify in the index to not have to specify in the filter bar: hel ==> Hello

I searched if exist any filter or token, but I don't find anything.


Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but for example I can have an index called foo-* and when i select it, on the discover page i will get logs from **foo-**2017.07.11, **foo-**2017.07.04 etc


when I create a new visualization, I can searxh any data or text in any field. For example i search oh and kibaana return all registers than contain this letters. for example Name:John.

My doubt is if there is any way to don't especific this parameter '*' when i search something, and specify it previously in my index and after only search 'oh' and kibaana return the same results?


I don't think so. Using your example, if you don't search for oh* (if you don't include the windcard), kibana will assume that you are expecting the logs containing only the oh and nothing else, so you won't get the same results.

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