Inconsistent term counts with facet

I note that consecutive and identical calls to facet will often return
different term counts. Not all terms vary and the ones that do often
seem to flip back and forth between two values. I've set the facet
size to 100 (and am only using the top 20 per another post indicating
facets*shards=size) and am running 0.17.7. I haven't yet recreated
this with Curl but thought I would inquire if there was any known
reason this should be happening first.

I've noted one additional odd behavior. The string "tTerm" sometimes
shows up in my facets despite this term not actually existing as a
term for that field.

On Sep 21, 10:08 pm, merrellb wrote:

I note that consecutive and identical calls to facet will often return
different term counts. Not all terms vary and the ones that do often
seem to flip back and forth between two values. I've set the facet
size to 100 (and am only using the top 20 per another post indicating
facets*shards=size) and am running 0.17.7. I haven't yet recreated
this with Curl but thought I would inquire if there was any known
reason this should be happening first.