Incorrect data from elasticsearch query?


I'm attempting to extract the number of status 500 errors from an
ElasticSearch server over a range of time and I believe that the data is
incorrect or too high and believe that the query may be incorrect. (I'm
using a search query from logstash and dumping it straight into a ruby


require 'elasticsearch'

client = hosts: [{host: '', port:

value = index: '2015.04.28',
body: {
"facets"=> {
"0"=> {
"date_histogram"=> {
"field"=> "@timestamp",
"interval"=> "15m"
"global"=> true,
"facet_filter"=> {
"fquery"=> {
"query"=> {
"filtered"=> {
"query"=> {
"query_string"=> {
"query"=> "type:iis6 AND status:500"
"filter"=> {
"bool"=> {
"must"=> [
"range"=> {
"@timestamp"=> {
"from"=> "#{last_time}",
"to"=> "#{current_time}"
"size"=> 0

values = value["hits"]["total"] # where current_time is current time in
epoch and last_time is current_time-7200(2 hours)

I'm getting a very high value (over 340,000) when I should be getting a
value of say 272 errors over a 2 hour period.

Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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