Some hours ago I've re-indexed one of my indices. The re-indexing process completed in about 2 hours and I've run the following query afterwards:
GET myIndex/_count
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"exists": {
"field": "productDefinitionKey.confidence"
The problem is that the result of this count query was about 6,000 but it must be about 2,000,000! I've checked multiple documents and seen all have the productDefinitionKey.confidence
field. Now, after about 20 hours, the result of this query is about 100,000 and is increasing. I guess something is running in background but I don't know what! I've searched a lot and asked from my Elasticsearch geek friends but couldn't know what caused the problem and what is happening.
One of my colleagues said something about checking ingest nodes and proposed to check system resources. I did dot that but I guess resources are not the problem.
The below screenshots captured from elasticsearch vue
, htop
and nmon