Index name does not match pattern

we have an index named drivers-history, by default this index doesn't have an alias so i created one as drivers_history using update index alias api. later i created an ILM policy and attached it to this index but i am getting the following error during ILM execution index name [drivers-history] does not match pattern.
i read the below documentation from elastic search and it suggested that if my index name doesn't match the required pattern i can specify a name for new index.

but i am not using rollover index API to rollover my index, i am using an ILM policy to do so. how to fix this error please help :slightly_smiling_face:

It'd be useful if you could share the policy and other related commands you ran to set things up.


PUT _ilm/policy/drivers-history
"policy": {
"phases": {
"hot": {
"min_age": "0ms",
"actions": {
"rollover": {
"max_size": "50gb",
"max_age": "30m"
"set_priority": {
"priority": 100
"warm": {
"min_age": "1d",
"actions": {
"set_priority": {
"priority": 50
"cold": {
"min_age": "7d",
"actions": {
"freeze": {}
"delete": {
"min_age": "1d",
"actions": {}


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