Index not rolling over

I performed below steps as per
Index rolls over only once but not after that.

I have logstash setup with ilm settings as below

ilm_enabled => true
ilm_rollover_alias => "my_index_alias"
ilm_pattern => "000001"
ilm_policy => "my_policy"

The ilm/explain command for first index says complete status and managed:true
For 2nd index, managed:false
And 3rd index is not created at all

Is there something else that needs to be set ??

This sounds similar to what occurs when an ILM policy with Rollover is used, but the index template either doesn't exist or doesn't have set.

Could you post the index template that's being used for your indices? Do you have any of template, manage_template, or template_overwrite set in your Logstash output config? Have you manually changed the index template that Logstash installs?

It has index template with below properties included in setting
"": "my_policy",
"index.lifecycle.rollover_alias": "my_index_alias"

Can you share the output the following for anything that has logstash in the name ?

GET _cat/templates?v
GET _template/<name of template that matches logstash indexes>


"index_patterns": ["my_index-*"],

"settings": {

	"number_of_shards": 1,

    "number_of_replicas": 1,


    "": "my_policy",

    "index.lifecycle.rollover_alias": "my_index_alias"   




Have set below template and template_name in logstash output.
template_name => "test_template"
template => "/home/user1/test-template.json" along with
ilm_enabled => true
ilm_rollover_alias => "my_index_alias"
ilm_pattern => "000001"
ilm_policy => "my_policy"

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