I'm new to Elastic-search and we have a requirement to implement it for 300 GB SQL Server data which contains documents also. I'm looking what will be the optimal infrastructure (like RAM, Disk Space, no of cores, no of nodes, no of shards, replicas etc.) to setup Elastic-search based on below parameters,
• Size of data to be Indexed: 300 GB
• No of concurrent users: 100
• No of concurrent queries: 100
• No of queries in 5 sec Span: 300
• Expected response time for results: less than 1 sec
• No of Users to access the System: 2000
Forgot to mention that we are looking this infrastructure on windows (mostly on Azure Platform as VM's).
looks like Rally does not support Windows and is only actively tested on MacOS and Linux. Before installing Rally, please ensure that the following packages are installed.
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