Ingest Pipeline is not applying tag, what am I missing?

I've set up an ingest pipeline that sends my docker container logs through the appropriate built-in pipeline for the kind of logs the container is outputting. (See: Making Docker container logs go through the right beats module for processing? - #9 by stephenb )

I want to add a tag to the output of those pipelines so that I can adjust the searches backing the various dashboards to include logs from my containers. I thought all I had to do was add the tag to the processor's tag field. But that isn't working. There are no tags on the output.

What am I missing?

Here's the json for my pipeline:

    "pipeline": {
      "name": "logs-apache.access-1.3.5",
      "if": "ctx.container.labels.com_docker_swarm_service_name.endsWith('-app') && == 'stdout'",
      "tag": "docker-apache-access",
      "ignore_failure": true
    "pipeline": {
      "name": "logs-apache.error-1.3.5",
      "if": "ctx.container.labels.com_docker_swarm_service_name.endsWith('-app') && == 'stderr'",
      "tag": "docker-apache-error"
    "pipeline": {
      "name": "logs-mysql.error-1.2.1",
      "if": "ctx.container.labels.com_docker_swarm_service_name.endsWith('-db') && == 'stderr'",
      "tag": "docker-mysql-error"

I was able to get the Apache Access logs search working by adding or (event.dataset:"docker" and http.*:*) to it, but that doesn't work for error logs. There are no Apache specific fields for error logs.

Thanks in advance!

So you will need to add additional processors to add fields or tag etc...

What I would probably do is change you "main routing" pipeline above to something to call another wrapper pipeline which will then call the actual module pipeline and then add fields / tags you want

This is a good pattern ... think modular code...

    "pipeline": {
      "name": "docker-apache-error",
      "if": "ctx.container.labels.com_docker_swarm_service_name.endsWith('-app') && == 'stderr'",
      "tag": "docker-apache-error"

Then create a pipeline that would be something like... calls the main pipeline then add fields / tags other logic custom for you

PUT _ingest/pipeline/docker-apache-error
  "description": "docker apache pipeline wrapper",
  "processors": [
    "pipeline": {
      "name": "logs-apache.error-1.3.5",
      "tag": "docker-apache-error"
      "set": {
        "field": "event.dataset,
        "value": "apache.error"

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