Ingestion Pipeline not parsing out field values


I am applying a new ingestion pipeline through Kibana Dev Tools to parse a specific field. However, when I created the pipeline the fields are not parsed out at all. I tried this in _ingest/pipeline/_simulate before submitting the put pipeline API and it works in simulate.

Below is my ingest pipeline.

  PUT _ingest/pipeline/1
    "description": "parse json object",
    "processors": [

        "grok": {
          "field": "log",
          "patterns": [
        "json": {
          "field": "log",
          "target_field": "log-json",
          "ignore_failure": true


POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
      "pipeline": {
        "description": "parse json object",
        "processors": [

            "grok": {
              "field": "log",
              "patterns": [
            "json": {
              "field": "log",
              "target_field": "log-json",
              "ignore_failure": true
      "docs": [
          "_source": {
            "log": "I, [2018-03-02T14:37:24.048385 #7]  INFO -- : [96621855-c4f1-4c8e-b9c9-2bbb4e50171c]{\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\",\"key3\":1,\"key4\":1,\"key5\":1,\"key6\":\"value\"}\n"

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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