Input painfully slow while fetching messages from activemq topic

I have configured JMS input in logstash to subscribe to JMS topic messages and push messages to elastic search.

Current config:

input {

  jms {
	  id => "my_first_jms"
	  yaml_file => "D:\softwares\logstash-6.4.0\config\jms-amq.yml"
	  yaml_section => "dev"
	  use_jms_timestamp => true
	  pub_sub => true
	  destination => "mytopic"
#     threads => 50

filter {
	  source => "message"

output {
	stdout { codec => json }

	elasticsearch {
	  hosts => ['http://localhost:9401']
	  index => "jmsindex"

System specs:
RAM: 16 GB
Type: 64 bit
Processor: Intel i5-4570T CPU @ 2.9 GHz

This is extremely slow. Like 1 message every 3-4 minutes. How should I debug to figure out what is missing?

Note: Before this, I was doing this with @JMSListener in java and that could process 200-300 records per sec easily.

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