Insert a new json-record into an indexed document

I am new to Elasticsearch, and I am trying to find a way to have an analogy with Oracle / SQL culture :

  1. Create table.
  2. insert records.
  3. update a record.
  4. select a record

my current example is so simple:

PUT /ettalhi-explicit-idx
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "ettalhi-fld-age":    { "type": "integer" },  
      "ettalhi-fld-email":  { "type": "keyword"  }, 
      "ettalhi-fld-name":   { "type": "text"  }     

GET ettalhi-explicit-idx/_mapping/

PUT /ettalhi-explicit-idx/_mapping
  "properties": {
    "ettalhi-fld-employee-id": {
      "type": "keyword",
      "index": false

GET /ettalhi-explicit-idx/_mapping/field/ettalhi-fld-employee-id

POST /ettalhi-explicit-idx/_doc/2
  "ettalhi-fld-age": "48",
  "ettalhi-fld-email": "",
  "ettalhi-fld-name": "Noureddine Ettalhi 04",
  "ettalhi-fld-employee-id": "s6486679"

GET /ettalhi-explicit-idx/_doc/2

Result of the last request is =
  "_index": "ettalhi-explicit-idx",
  "_id": "2",
  "_version": 4,
  "_seq_no": 4,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "found": true,
  "_source": {
    "ettalhi-fld-age": "48",
    "ettalhi-fld-email": "",
    "ettalhi-fld-name": "Noureddine Ettalhi 04",
    "ettalhi-fld-employee-id": "s6486679"

The question is :
How can I add a new line (record) to the doc(2) ?

What is wrong in this question ?


Elasticsearch is not a relational system so analogies to RDBMS only work to some extent. Think of an index as a table and the mappings as column definitions. Each document is a row in the table.

Note that Elasticsearch does not support joins, so keep this in mind when you model your data.

It is not clear what you are looking to achieve. Are you looking to add a new field to a document? If so, use the update API. Are you looking to add a new document to the index? If so use the index API.