Insert tags input beats in logstash not work

I need make multiple input in logstash and then multiple output.

I have this configuration and I need if the events in on port 5055 tag with "docker" and then add a field and output to elasticsearch.

The command tags => [ "docker" ] , not work the event still show the tag "tags":["beats_input_codec_plain_applied"]

input {
beats {
port => 5044
id => "comex"
beats {
port => 5055
tags => [ "docker" ]

filter {
if "docker" in [tags] {
mutate { add_field => { "message_aux" => "docker" } }

output {
if "docker" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "docker2"
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "comex-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

file {
path => "/tmp/logstash.txt"

This in one of the events output.

{"count":1,"message":"[api-accounts.2.vlwxdyvzh1tzs2y3ka0x19u01] \u0001\u0000[api-accounts.2.vlwxdyvzh1tzs2y3ka0x19u01] \u0000[api-accounts.2.vlwxdyvzh1tzs2y3ka0x19u01] ","input_type":"stdin","fields":null,"@timestamp":"2018-02-16T15:51:56.451Z","tags":["beats_input_codec_plain_applied"],"offset":151155522,"beat":{"hostname":"e080a9066ea7","name":""},"source":"-","type":"filebeat-docker-logs","host":"e080a9066ea7","@version":"1"}

also I probe with

beats {
port => 5055
add_field => {
"origen" => "docker"

and does not work.

This a bug ? How can I do this?


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