Hi, this is Richard.
I'm trying to install logstash-jdbc-integration plugin on Logstash 7.8.0 on a machine that does not have internet access.
What I'm trying to do is like below which is similar to install plugin on elasticsearch without internet access.
$LS/bin/logstash-plugin install file:///somewhere/somefile
However, I couldn't find anywhere to download logstash-jdbc-integration file,
and I'm not sure if file should be zip or tar or something.
Also I'm not sure if it is supported way to install plugin like that command.
I tried to clone logstash-integration-jdbc repository and gem build command and used logstash-plugin install command.
But it said like below.
reason: The pack must contains at least one plugin, message: The pack must contains at least one plugin
Would you please let me know if it is possible to install
logstash-jdbc-integration 5.0.5 on logstash 7.8.0 without internet access?
and where I can get the plugin file and command to install?
Thank you.