Install mapper-atttachment with es 2.1.1


I'm new in elasticsearch, and I'd like to use es with mapper-attachments. Server run on a debian / jessie, es is installed from elastic repository (2.1.1 release).

For now docs are confusing, and it's not too easy to figure out how to install and use mapper-attachment on an es node : I've tryed many methods from many places in docs :
from github :

I've also tryed to download directly zip packages (I'm behind a corporate proxy), but all urls are 404. (I've set http_proxy / https_proxy in my sh environment)

My questions :

  • What is the "definitive way" to install the mapper-attachment plugin ? Even behind a proxy ?

Thanks ! (and happy new year)

With elasticsearch < 2.2, you have to use:
From 2.2 (not released),

For 2.1.1, use:

bin/plugin install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/3.1.1

If you are behind a proxy, read:

Ok, I could setup mapper-attachment, thanks !