Installation Doc:

A recent bug fix illustrates that if JAVA_HOME is not defined at startup,
the system uses whatever it can find with "whatever?" path it is using.
Note the following insufficient documentation statement:

*The version of Java that will be used can be set by setting the JAVA_HOMEenvironment variable.

Its not acceptable that an Enterprise shop should have dig through source
code to determine why this isn't working. Hence I suggest the following
change: someone open an issue on the dev community requesting that 1) is
JAVA_HOME is found it is declared in the logs, and the version is printed,
2) if note found, message again with the location of the java that was
found and print its version.

I have decades of experience with enterprise search shops; and search shops
alone. This doesn't meet my need for certifying to Network Ops.

? thoughts ?



What wait for someone to open the issue, when you can do it yourself ? Just to to and create a new issue there.



Rafał Kuć

Sematext :: :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch - ElasticSearch

A recent bug fix illustrates that if JAVA_HOME is not defined at startup, the system uses whatever it can find with "whatever?" path it is using. Note the following insufficient documentation statement:

The version of Java that will be used can be set by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Its not acceptable that an Enterprise shop should have dig through source code to determine why this isn't working. Hence I suggest the following change: someone open an issue on the dev community requesting that 1) is JAVA_HOME is found it is declared in the logs, and the version is printed, 2) if note found, message again with the location of the java that was found and print its version.

I have decades of experience with enterprise search shops; and search shops alone. This doesn't meet my need for certifying to Network Ops.

? thoughts ?
