Installation head plugin on elastic 2.X

Hi ,
I was using previous version of elastic (1.7) , there we could install the head plugin from local directory using :

bin/plugin --install head --url file:///Full/Path/To/

But when I tried the same in elastic 2.1 it was not working ... and then I tried to manually copied the content under plugin => head => _site . Then also es stopped working.
any suggestion how we can install the plugin from the local directory ..


You may want to try

You also should be aware that not all functionality of the head plugin is already ported to Elasticsearch 2.x

I is showing the below error :

D:\es_tools\elasticsearch-2.1.0\bin>plugin install file:///D:/plugin/
-> Installing from file:/D:/plugin/
Trying file:/D:/plugin/ ...
Downloading .........DONE
Verifying file:/D:/plugin/ checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
ERROR: Could not find plugin descriptor '' in plugin zip

If all the functionality is not been ported to head-plugin , is there alternative available ?


This probably means you have old version of head plugin.

As far as I know there is work going on. Latest update seems to be Fix ES2.0 breaking errors by philipskokoh · Pull Request #218 · mobz/elasticsearch-head · GitHub

Thank you..
error was because of older version of head..