I have a MongoDB database and I want to create a pipeline in Logstash to transfer data from MongoDb to Elasticsearch using Logstash.
I have installed Elasticsearch latest version 6.1 and I checked official website and found that there is no input plugin for MongoDB.
But there are two GitHub repo available for MongoDB input plugin for logstash
- GitHub - kurkop/logstash-input-mongodb: MongoDB input plugin for Logstash (last commited on Dec 18,2015 and have .gem file)
- GitHub - phutchins/logstash-input-mongodb: MongoDB input plugin for Logstash (last commited on May 4,2017 but no .gem file included)
Now If I install 1st one then I am getting error of compatibility. Here is error I am getting
ERROR: An error occured when installing the: file:///E:/Office/mongodb-old/logstash-input-mongodb-master.zip, to have more information about the error add a DEBUG=1 before running the command., message: Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "logstash-core":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
logstash-core (= 6.1.0)In Gemfile:
logstash-core-plugin-api (>= 0) java depends on
logstash-core (= 6.1.0) javalogstash-input-syslog (>= 0) java depends on logstash-filter-grok (>= 0) java depends on logstash-core (>= 5.6.0) java logstash-input-mongodb (= 0.3.3) java depends on logstash-core (< 3.0.0, >= 2.0.0.beta2) java logstash-core (>= 0) java
bundle update
will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only
the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.
So its not compatible with latest version.
- If I install 2nd one, I am getting error below
ERROR: Invalid pack for: file:///E:/Office/logstash-input-mongodb-master.zip, reason: The pack must contains at least one plugin, message: The pack must contains at least one plugin
may be because it doesn't contain any .gem file ?
So how I create logstash pipeline to transfer data from MongoDb to Elasticsearch ?