Installing X-Pack with --version is installing the wrong version


If I install X-Pack on a Logstash 5.3.2 with this command:

/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install --version 5.3.0 x-pack

it installs version 5.3.2.

You will now say, that this is correct as I am using Logstash 5.3.2 but when using Puppet to do so you run in serious problems. What happens is:

  • I told puppet to install 5.3.0 (which is wrong)
  • Puppet checked the version of the installed x-pack, as no x-pack is installed it comes back empty
  • Puppet installes with the above command
  • X-Pack v5.3.2 is installed

Next Puppet run:

  • Puppet checks the version and gets v5.3.2 which is != v5.3.0
  • Puppet installs v5.3.0 with above command, wich again install v5.3.2

This happens in an endles loop and restarts Logstash over and over everytime Puppet runs.

My question: Why don't I get the version I want to install or at least an error message?

Thank you for your help,

The plugin command will always install the version it needs, there is no option to pass in a specific version argument.


Thank you for your answer.
This is the help for the command "install":

/usr/share/logstash/bin# ./logstash-plugin install -h
    bin/logstash-plugin install [OPTIONS] [PLUGIN] ...

    [PLUGIN] ...                  plugin name(s) or file

    --version VERSION             version of the plugin to install
    --[no-]verify                 verify plugin validity before installation (default: true)
    --preserve                    preserve current gem options (default: false)
    --development                 install all development dependencies of currently installed plugins (default: false)
    --local                       force local-only plugin installation. see bin/logstash-plugin package|unpack (default: false)
    -h, --help                    print help

So there is the parameter --version. And this parameter is used by the Puppet Module of Logstash. So if I specify a version there it should install exactly that version or (even better) exit with an error. But just installing a different version is not correct and I think it is a bug.


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