Integration error of Power BI with Elasticsearch


Kindly need your help regarding the error below which happens when I integrate Power BI with Elasticsearch

Details: "ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Elastic][EsODBC 6.8.23(v6.8.21-3-g0e334a6+,u,r) Driver]invalid_index_name_exception: Invalid index name [xpack], must not start with '', '-', or '+'
ERROR [HY000] [Elastic][EsODBC 6.8.23(v6.8.21-3-g0e334a6+,u,r) Driver]invalid_index_name_exception: Invalid index name [xpack], must not start with '', '-', or '+'"

There is no index name with this name
when I run this command it will be the result as below:

curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices"?v

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open emdb_list_items_matches_2022_08_08_20_31_33_e44f5e78-9064-47be-89dd-53ade7e143cc I-zPzyGwRym7IouEXne2Gg 2 0 12 0 7kb 7kb
green open emdb_acl_msg_source_2022_06_27_17_23_06_361328a4-f7d2-4d07-87d1-8b94ddfc92b2 Zm3EtXbeSIWxI2sDQBsARA 2 0 0 0 522b 522b
green open field_translations gR7xCwN9T4uaOiGEE0V6cg 2 0 123 0 31.9kb 31.9kb
green open emdb_list_items_lists_2022_08_08_20_31_33_b9d6ac33-1284-4a7d-9819-caf71e79e5ba 2liGGoaIR-mdqSfY6-FhBw 2 0 598 0 242.8kb 242.8kb
green open emdb_location_2022_08_08_20_31_34_8d89dcb5-73b8-4583-9674-b55e8211f85f C1M74cDzTSuqMOVJDZsfNA 2 0 143141 0 13.6mb 13.6mb
green open .kibana_1 -haJhIbvQ-O_-kI56GhBew 1 0 1 0 5.5kb 5.5kb
green open emdb_list_items_ips_2022_06_27_17_23_06_c3608f2c-c42d-4d07-beb8-fccac8081ca7 SQVe9BggS3a-7_SZtlY1LA 2 0 0 0 522b 522b
green open .kibana_task_manager xpoL9byMTdOiimNM6aqIig 1 0 2 0 12.5kb 12.5kb
green open emdb_ad_groups_2022_08_08_20_31_33_5b532438-cbee-485a-8182-d5130c63e18d lRW0x9OAQfKDle60EDUPGw 2 0 10 0 7.1kb 7.1kb
green open emdb_list_items_range_2022_06_27_17_23_06_e7943774-616f-45a8-9ed9-cbeb1d6f57df 7ZiKL3BwTLaeVKvxRjWYvQ 2 0 0 0 522b 522b

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