Integration field map error, how to fix temporarily

In the Microsoft Exchange integration, message tracking, field relatedrecipeinetaddress is mapped as an IP, but it is really an email address. I've reported a bug, but until it's fixed, what is the best way to fix this?

I can just change the field in the component template logs-microsoft_exchange_server.messagetracking@package, but that I wonder if there is a method to add custom mappings? If I change this template, will it get over written at update? If I change the mapping, will it cause a mapping conflict in Kibana? Another option would be to add a .text and maybe also a .keyword field.

Just trying to avoid the typical elastic learning by painful choices path :slight_smile:


You can use the @custom component template

Should be


Although as the note says it is really recommended to change mappings but in this case I would try

It doesn't look like the exchange_server integration created any @custom component templates.

Hi @rugenl

You have to create it...

If you look in the top template you should see it included but you have to create it... then it will be included
