Good afternoon. At the moment, there was an attempt to connect to collect logs from Oracle cloud Audit logs via Kafka, and everything worked through logstash. Now when I try to use Custom Kafka Integration in elasticsearch I get an error.
Logstash conf
kafka {
bootstrap_servers =\> "server:9092"
topics =\> \["topic"\]
security_protocol =\> "SASL_SSL"
sasl_mechanism =\> "PLAIN"
jaas_path =\> "{PATH TO CONFIG}"
auto_offset_reset =\> "earliest"
consumer_threads =\> 1
`\`# KafkaClient { required
It's worked ok.
And when we use this is config for elastic-agent, it doesn't work
I'am use this is username and password and use kafka consumer group "elastic" and get error message
Error initializing kafka consumer group
kafka: couldn't fetch broker metadata (check that your client and broker are using the same encryption and authentication settings)
Also I try used port 9093 and get error Error initializing kafka consumer group
kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?