Interacting with elasticsearch on EC2 via Java API

Hi, I wrote a program for deleting records according to their timestamp from an elasticsearch node running on an EC2 machine. When I run the program from my local machine, I can connect to the ES node via public IP address and it works as expected. If I try to execute the same program from another EC2 instance within the same availability zone and security group I get an empty result of the execution.

This is how i connect to ES:

TransportClient transportClient = new TransportClient();
this.esClient = transportClient.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(es_address, 9300));

This is the relevant part of code

FilterBuilder fb = new IndicesFilterBuilder(new RangeFilterBuilder("timestamp")
			.includeUpper(true), "test").noMatchFilter("none");	
		SearchResponse sr = this.esClient.prepareSearch()
				.setQuery(new MatchAllQueryBuilder())
				.setScroll(new TimeValue(10000))
				.setSize(10000)//keep the scroll context alive for 10 seconds
				.get();"Search request completed in : " + sr.getTook()  + " "+ sr.getHits().getTotalHits());
		//scroll the result
		boolean scroll = true;
			for(SearchHit hit : sr.getHits().getHits())
				bp.add(new DeleteRequest(hit.getIndex(), hit.getType(), hit.getId()));
			sr = this.esClient.prepareSearchScroll(sr.getScrollId())
				.setScroll(new TimeValue(10000)) //keep the scroll context alive for 10 seconds
				.get();"Search request completed in : " + sr.getTook());
			if (sr.getHits().getHits().length == 0) { //no more results
		        scroll = false; 

According to the program output, I can connect to the node, but from my local machine the search request returns hits and then deletes them, instread from another EC2 instance the same search returns 0 documents. I am not using AWS plugin.
PS. I have a spark and a storm cluster running in the same VPC feeding correctly the same node.

I'm wondering if you actually hit the exact same cluster or by any chance another one?

So I would try from the application to print the cluster state for example and see if it's the same in both cases.

No it is the same node.
this is from my local computer

08:50:53.823 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.client.transport - [Anne-Marie Cortez] adding address [[#transport#-1][Matteos-MBP.local][inet[/]]]
08:50:53.950 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Anne-Marie Cortez] connected to node [[#transport#-1][Matteos-MBP.local][inet[/]]]
08:50:54.121 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Anne-Marie Cortez] connected to node [[analytics_node001][5z2etnq6QlCwzENDN9MoxQ][ip-172-31-23-179][inet[/]]{master=true}]

and this is from another ec2 instance

07:54:03.133 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.client.transport - [Dragonwing] adding address [[#transport#-1][ip-172-31-24-41][inet[/]]]
07:54:03.204 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Dragonwing] connected to node [[#transport#-1][ip-172-31-24-41][inet[/]]]
07:54:03.285 [main] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Dragonwing] connected to node [[analytics_node001][5z2etnq6QlCwzENDN9MoxQ][ip-172-31-23-179][inet[/]]{master=true}]

From within the ec2 VPC I used the private ip of the es node, but I get no hits also when using the public ip

Ok, it was a very stupid mistake caused by the different system times between my pc and any remote EC2 instance