Invalid index name [Simulation], must be lowercase

I get this error when I try to add a son file using the bulk API.

{"index":{"_index":"Simulation","_type":"type","_id":"5a6675d1e4b09094a9a03114","status":400,"error":{"type":"invalid_index_name_exception","reason":"Invalid index name [Simulation], must be lowercase","index_uuid":"_na_","index":"Simulation"}}}

My line with the corresponding "_id" looks like this:

{"date":"2015 Q1", "profile":"Décile 5 - 2010", "supplier":"someSupplier", "supplierNl":"someSupplier", "supplierFr":"someSupplier", "consumerType":"someType", "offer":"someOffer", "productNameNl":"someName", "productNameFr":"someName", "dgo":"Bob", "defaultOffer_simulation":false, "socialOffer":false, "consumption":"blip", "price":blob, "priceKwh":0.05825529907578634, "variability":"variable"}

And this is my line in the command line

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:9200/Simulation/type/_bulk --data-binary @OBS_Simulation_quarterly_gasTEST1.bson.json

Any help?

What is unclear about this error message?

Ok my bad. I was looking for Simulation in my file while it is actually the name of my index.

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