(Elasticsearch 8.11.1)
I noticed that when I go to investigate in timeline on an alert, I get results that not match the timeline template search.
For example, for the search of timeline template that looks like this:
kibana.alert.rule.name: "aa" and signal.rule.severity: "critical"
I get the the right results and more that have kibana.alert.rule.name: "bb" for some reason.
When searching in the timeline I opened F12 in my browser and copied the query string that is generated, it looked like this:
{"bool": {"must": [{"query_string": {"query": "((`kibana.alert.rule.name: "aa" and signal.rule.severity: "critical"`))", "analyze_wildcard": true}}],"filter": [], "should": [], "must_not": []}}
I tried to search myself in kibana dev tools and I really got the same results, but I found something interesting. If I use the same query string, but use "AND" in capital letters, it gives me only the right results
{"bool": {"must": [{"query_string": {"query": "((`kibana.alert.rule.name: "aa" AND signal.rule.severity: "critical"`))", "analyze_wildcard": true}}],"filter": [], "should": [], "must_not": []}}