Is it possible to split discovery message field?

Elasticsearch version 5.5.1
kibana version 5.5.1
Logstash version 5.5.1
Beats version 5.5.1

my message field:

message:[INFO ] Status => SENT | client : [IPDC] | cell : [1746710009] | message-delivery-time : [2017-08-07 09:46:27,807] | Operator: [ROBI]

I would like to split according to Status, Client, Operator and message-delivery-time.
I wish any expert will help me.

You could use scripted fields to do this at query time using regular expressions, or string manipulation, but that will not be efficient and will be pretty brittle. The correct way to do it would be with a tool like Logstash, which would split the string up before writing the message to Elasticsearch. Then Kibana would be able to fully utilize the values in there, and things like dates, numbers, etc, would be typed correctly and searchable/filterable/aggregatable

my logstash.conf

filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "type", "tags", "input_type", "@version", "beat", "offset"]

my discovery logs format:

@timestamp:August 8th 2017, 13:45:54.424 host:vNTDACLSnTALK01 source:/home/local/group/nazdaq/logs/naztech.log message:[INFO ] Status => SENT | client : [MTB] | cell : [1746710009] | message-delivery-time : [2017-08-07 09:46:27,807] | Operator: [GP]

Available field:
host message

I need available field:
host message

What can I do? Please anybody help me.

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