Hello All,
I am newbie on elasticsearch cluster and i don't understood the storage mechanism, could you please help me with my questions;
My Question-1 For MASTER NODE:
I created master nodes with replica value 3 on the kubernetes; Now i have 3 master nodes. but i am not sure for about "master nodes should use shared storage or dedicated storage for each master node".
Could you please find below screenshot, which is correct solution for master ?
My Question-2 For DATA NODE:
Please accept same question for data nodes but i want to learn how can i provide the redundancy for data? ( example; number_of_replicas = 1 )
My Question-3 For DISK SIZE:
The DATA nodes, store the data and will growth. we will monitor the disk usage and we can increase the size of disk no problem. But i don't know required disk size for MASTER and INGEST nodes.
Thank you for your understanding and for your help.
Best Regards