I actually want to obtain 2 separate charts within the same visualisation, seperated base on date range?
Is my Date Range Format Correct? coz i get a bad request error?
E400 means i made a syntax error in the query but this contradicts the data validation mechanism in the date range field. I was allowed to click Update which implies my date format is correct.
I even try according to the date format as per the col Arrival_Time, still no result.
Lastly, your https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.7/search-aggregations-bucket-daterange-aggregation.html is not helpful and not clear. it doesn't tell me anything clear and specific towards the best practices on date format. You expect ppl to just get it by referencing that lookup table only to know it doesn't lead u anywhere?
This article is addressing date format in ES query but NOT in Kibana frontend itself which is relevant here