Is python client 6.0.0 is worked with elasticsearch 5.6.3 version which my system have installed?

Hello Guyz,

My system has installed elasticsearch-5.6.3. i want to write python script to pull that data from elastic and dump to another location. I want to store in my defined format. but in python there is elasticsearch module availablity for 6.0.0.

Is it worked or not ? if not, then how can i take this step forward ?

Please guide me in right direction. any genuine help will be appreciable.



generally the 6.0 client should work fine in practice. If you want to be on the safe side, you should specify the correct version of the Elasticsearch Python in your / requirements.txt file (and use virtualenv instead of installing the library in your global Python search path) . For details see the notes on compatibility in the Python client docs.


Thanks @Daniel

It worked for me. :slight_smile:

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