Is there a bounding box query for point in geo_shape? / How to check point and envelop overlap each other?

how to check two point overlap?
this is the point indexed.

"coordinates" : [106.486, 29.490]

here is my query :

"shape": {
                        "type": "envelope",
                        "coordinates" : [[106.4862, 29.4908], [106.4865, 29.4903]]
                    "relation": "INTERSECTS"

i treat point [106.486, 29.490] as a big rectangle, i want to find a high precision envelop in this big point.

there are two relations between big point and envelop:
1 within/contains: big point overlap small envelop
2 intersects/Overlaps/Crosses: envelop cross big point

i mean whether there is a bounding box query for point in geo_shape?

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