Geo_shape indexing and querying

Hi there. I have a collection of geo_shapes pulled from a shape file that I have indexed into ES. I also have a large index of documents with geo_points. I'm trying to run a query that returns all the documents that have a point within a geo_shape, but keep getting zero results returned. What am I doing wrong or not understanding?

Here is the mapping for my geo_shapes:
"properties": {
"type": "geo_shape",

and this is the mapping for the documents with geo_points:

the query I'm trying to run is:

"geo_shape": {
"geometry": {
"indexed_shape": {
"id": "shape_id",
"type": "locations",
"index": "index_name",
"path": "geometry"

I'm pretty sure the mappings are correct, because I can do a query of a specific lat/long and successfully get back the geo_shape it is in. I can also do a bounding box search of the documents with geo_points and successfully get back a list of documents that match.

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