Problems with geo_shape support

I've been trying to get geo spatial search to work with Elasticsearch.
The geo_shape variety seems to do what I want and I'm interested in
indexing and retrieving points inside polygons. Simple radius search or
bounding box search is not good enough.

So, I indexed about 10 points in a simple test index and then ran the
following query. Each point has a location field with type geo_shape and a
location field:










I'm trying to run the following query:


"query" : {
    "geo_shape" : {
        "location" : {
            "shape" : {
                "type" : "envelope",
                "coordinates" : [[52.0, 53.0],[13.0, 14.0]]
            "relation" : "intersects"


I have several issues with this query and variants of it:

  • what I really wanted is polygonal search, not an envelope search. Thius
    doesn't work at all. I get an npe if I use a polygon. For reference, here's
    the polygon I've been testing with, roughly corresponding to a circular
    area around Berlin











































  • what I really wanted is relation: contains. This doesn't work either. I
    get a QueryParsingException[[myindex] Unknown shape operation [contains ]]
    if I try that
  • if I run the above query, it fails with a TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount
    is set to 1024]

Obviously, I'm doing something very wrong. But what?

I.e. how do I actually search for points contained in a polygon of
arbitrary size?

BTW. using Elasticsearch 0.20.2


It seems google groups messed up the formatting big time. Apologies. Here's
the plain text version:

I've been trying to get geo spatial search to work with elastic search.
The geo_shape variety seems to do what I want and I'm interested in
indexing and retrieving points inside polygons. Simple radius search or
bounding box search is not good enough.

So, I indexed about a few points in a simple test index and then ran the
following query. Each point has a location field with type geo_shape and a
location field:


I'm trying to run the following query:

"query" : {
"geo_shape" : {
"location" : {
"shape" : {
"type" : "envelope",
"coordinates" : [[52.0, 53.0],[13.0, 14.0]]
"relation" : "intersects"

I have several issues with this query and variants of it:

  • what I really wanted is polygonal search, not an envelope search. Thius
    doesn't work at all. I get an npe if I use a polygon. For reference, here's
    the polygon I've been testing with, roughly corresponding to a circular
    area around Berlin

[ [ 52.51795646971664, 13.7939833902653 ], [ 52.61972051694795,
13.720499817631334 ], [ 52.67575539585586, 13.56279280917535 ], [
52.66465768725302, 13.38110108186347 ], [ 52.59066633862847,
13.244824700054153 ], [ 52.48204353028336, 13.2060166097347 ], [
52.38027948305205, 13.279500182368666 ], [ 52.32424460414414,
13.43720719082465 ], [ 52.33534231274698, 13.61889891813653 ], [
52.40933366137153, 13.755175299945847 ] ]

  • what I really wanted is relation: contains. This doesn't work either. I
    get a QueryParsingException[[myindex] Unknown shape operation [contains ]]
    if I try that

  • if I run the above query, it fails with a TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount
    is set to 1024]

Obviously, I'm doing something very wrong. But what?

I.e. how do I actually search for points contained in a polygon of
arbitrary size?


I figured it out finally. If anyone else is struggling with this:

  1. relation:contains should be relation:within, apparently this changed in
    the implementation. I created a pull request for the documentation fix
  2. geojson polygons are 3d arrays and not 2d arrays. Passing in a 2d array
    causes the parser to throw an npe.
  3. the polygon should end with the same coordinate as it begins with

So, this query is correct:


"query" : {

    "filtered" : {

    "query" : {

        "match_all" : {}


    "filter" : {

     "geo_shape" : {

         "location" : {

             "shape" : {

                 "type" : "Polygon",

"coordinates" :


             "relation" : "within"






