Is there a ES plugin for search/index volume counters

i am looking for something on the lines of bigdesk which gives me the
graphs for search and index calls happening on my cluster. or do people
write their own wrappers?



Try digging slow logs -


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:35 PM, T Vinod Gupta tvinod@readypulse.comwrote:

i am looking for something on the lines of bigdesk which gives me the
graphs for search and index calls happening on my cluster. or do people
write their own wrappers?





I think you are looking for SPM for Elasticsearch or something like it -


On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:05:23 PM UTC-4, T Vinod Gupta wrote:

i am looking for something on the lines of bigdesk which gives me the
graphs for search and index calls happening on my cluster. or do people
write their own wrappers?

