Is there way to get current/default value of config parameters?

In elasticsearch, is there a way to get the current value for all config parameters? like show variabes in mysql.

The issue is, when I set a variable in elasticsearch.yml file I cannot retrieve the new value through api.

For example, I can set indices.breaker.fielddata.limit: 70% in elasticsearch.yml file. but when I do GET /_cluster/settings it doesn't show up.

In general, it makes users' life easier to know what config is in effect. Usually when a parameter doesn't show up in the settings or cluster settings api, I look up the default value online. But that's not retrievable from the app.

I'm using Elasticsearch 2.4.1. Much appreciated!

Not in 2.4 there isn't, that was added to 5.0.

oh okay. that's another reason to upgrade to 5. Do you have a link to the documentation or release note on this in 5? what is the endpoint to get this?

Thank you!

_cluster/settings?include_defaults&pretty is what you need to call.
It's currently undocumented though, not sure why that is but I'll raise an issue to get that fixed :slight_smile:

This is awesome. Thank you!

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