Issue setting up connector

I am following this link Running from a Docker container | Enterprise Search documentation [8.13] | Elastic to run my connector on docker. However, I am faced with this issue.

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I am following this link Running from a Docker container | Enterprise Search documentation [8.13] | Elastic to run my connector on docker. However, I am faced with this issue

docker run \
-v "</absolute/path/to>/connectors-config:/config" \ # NOTE: you must change this path to match where the config.yml is located
--rm \
--tty -i \
--network host \ \
/app/bin/elastic-ingest \
-c /config/config.yml

I am returned with this

docker: invalid reference format.

Hey @Lim_Rik. It seems that you are trying to execute this command in Windows. Windows uses caret ^ instead of backslash \ as a line continuation character in the console. It should work if you change the character or keep the whole command in a single line. Let me know if it helps.

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