Issue with AWS SES email communication


Recently I've faced, that my configuration stopped to work:
to => ""
from => ""
subject => "Some subject"
body => "%{message}"
via => "smtp"
address => ""
username => "username"
password => "somepass"
authentication => plain
Log output:
:timestamp=>"2016-09-12T22:19:26.787000+0200", :message=>"Something happen while delivering an email", :exception=>#<Net::SMTPAuthenticationError: 530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

I've add use_tls => "true" section, but it didn't help.
New configuration:
use_tls => "true"
to => ""
from => ""
subject => "Some subject"
body => "%{message}"
via => "smtp"
address => ""
username => "username"
password => "somepass"
authentication => plain

I'm use logstash 2.1, and I'm able to send message via
openssl s_client -crlf -quiet -starttls smtp -connect

Does anyone have the same issue?

I've add use_tls => "true" section, but it didn't help.

Are you getting the exact same error message? If yes, can you verify whether Logstash is actually sending a STARTTLS command in the SMTP conversation? Use Wireshark or similar.

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