Issue with Python and Autocompletion

Hi all,

So to begin. I am trying to add around 7.2k documents. No problem there.
The issue is after I am not able to get any suggestions returned to me. So
this is how the information is added:

def addVariantToElasticSearch(self,docId, companyId, companyName, parent,companyIndustry
, variants, count, conn):
body = { "company":{
"company_name": companyName,
"parent": parent,
"suggest": { "input": variants,
"output": companyName,
"weight": count,
"payload": {"industry_id": companyIndustry,
"company_id": companyId
res = conn.index(body=body, index="companies", doc_type="company", id=docId

The mapping and settings is defined as:

def setting():
return { "settings" : {
"index": {
"number_of_replicas" : 0,
"number_of_shards": 1
"analysis" : {
"analyzer" : {
"my_edge_ngram_analyzer" : {
"tokenizer" : "my_edge_ngram_tokenizer",
"filter":["standard", "lowercase"]
"tokenizer" : {
"my_edge_ngram_tokenizer" : {
"type" : "edgeNGram",
"min_gram" : "1",
"max_gram" : "5",
"token_chars": [ "letter", "digit" ]
"mappings": {
"company" : {
"properties" : {
"name" : { "type" : "string" },
"industy": {"type": "integer"},
"count" : {"type": "long" },
"parent": {"type": "string"},
"suggest" : {
"type" : "completion",
"index_analyzer": "my_edge_ngram_analyzer",
"search_analyzer": "my_edge_ngram_analyzer",
"payloads": True

Index creation:

def createMapping(es):
settings = setting()
es.indices.create(index="companies", body=settings)

I call createMapping which uses setting(), then add each variant -
surrounded by a try,except -> causes no issue. I can see all my documents
added in the browser as well as looking at the status, settings and

But when I use a curl request as below, I get no results. (See curl and
output beneath)

curl -X POST localhost:9200/companies/_suggest -d '


"company-suggest" : {

"text" : "1800", 

"completion" : {

quote> "field" : "suggest"

quote> }

quote> }

quote> }'

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