Trying to plug in my IAM creds to get through an ES access policy in AWS, and getting an error that can't find the amazon_es plugin. So, there seems to be very little specific information on installing this plug in on Windows. I have gotten to the point where I downloaded the zip from, but uncertain on the exact syntax? Does it need to be placed in a specific directory? Seems like it shouldn't be extracted. The syntax on the little bit of documentation I did find was something like (from the logstash bin directory) run:
logstash-plugin install logstash-output-amazon_es-master
Have tried several variations like using the zip extension and having the zip in the bin directory or pointing to to it like C:\temp\ or file:///c:/temp/ and gives errors
Installing file: /c:/temp/
ERROR: Invalid pack for: file:///c:/temp/, reason: The pack must contains at least one plugin, message: The pack must contains at least one plugin