Issues with Wildcard Watcher

I am writing a watcher to monitor failures on a website of XML files imported that fail due to invalid character(s) in the XML. This is what I have right now, but for some reason it isn't working. Can anyone help me out?

The watcher looks at windows logs and searches for any logs with a message like
"The following error occurred while converting Filename.XML to the standard xml format for CLIENT

Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 12, position 37"


  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "interval": "10s"
  "input": {
    "search": {
      "request": {
        "search_type": "query_then_fetch",
        "indices": [
        "rest_total_hits_as_int": true,
        "body": {
          "query": {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                  "wildcard": {
                    "message": {
                      "value": "The following error occurred while converting *.XML to the standard xml format for CLIENT*Invalid character in the given encoding. Line *, position *"
              "filter": {
                "range": {
                  "@timestamp": {
                    "gte": "now-20m"
  "condition": {
    "compare": {
      "": {
        "gt": 0
  "actions": {
    "email_admin": {
      "email": {
        "profile": "standard",
        "to": [
        "subject": "{{ }} CLIENT Files Failed to Import",
        "body": {
          "text": "Elasticsearch has flagged {{ }} error(s) indicating a CLIENT Files(s) failed to import for invalid XML. Please ignore this email if you believe it was sent in error or that the issue has been resolved."

Any more information needed please let me know.

Hi @LiamSwe

You might want to use a [match_phrase]( rather than a wildcard query.

For example:

  "query": {
    "match_phrase": {
      "message": {
        "query": "Invalid character in the given encoding"

Wildcard queries can be tricky. Here's a great article about writing useful queries.

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Thank you! This is much simpler and appears to be working perfectly!

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