Java Client Library - ELSER

We are trying to leverage ELSER search functionalities within our Java application. we would like to know How to use Java client library for performing ELSER Search ?

RestHighLevelClient seems to be one solution we observed. But that is deprecated. Is there any examples or approaches to use ELSER search using Client library, similar to Searching for documents | Elasticsearch Java API Client [8.12] | Elastic

Elasticsearch java language-clients elastic-stack-machine-learning

What is the API you'd like to use?

If you want to use something like:

# Create Index
PUT my-index
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "content_embedding": { 
        "type": "sparse_vector" 
      "content": { 
        "type": "text" 
# Create Pipeline
PUT _ingest/pipeline/elser-v2-test
  "processors": [
      "inference": {
        "model_id": ".elser_model_2",
        "input_output": [ 
            "input_field": "content",
            "output_field": "content_embedding"
# Search
GET my-index/_search
            "model_text":"How to avoid muscle soreness after running?"

Then it would be something like (with 8.12.2 - not tested):

// Create the index
client.indices().create(cir -> cir.index(indexName).mappings(m -> m
        .properties("content", p -> p.text(tp -> tp))
        .properties("content_embedding", p -> p.sparseVector(sp -> sp))

// Create the pipeline
client.ingest().putPipeline(pr -> pr
        .processors(p -> p
                .inference(i -> i
                        .fieldMap("content", JsonData.of("content"))

// Search -> sr
        .query(q -> q.textExpansion(te -> te
                .modelText("How to avoid muscle soreness after running?")
        )), ObjectNode.class);
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