Java HLClient and "include_type_name" in migration from 6.7.1 to 7.0.0

After upgrading the Java client to 7.0.0 (the database is still 6.7.1) I am getting a "[types removal]" warning in Java High Level REST Client. Is there a way to explicitly specify "include_type_name" in type-less API, so that this code can work with databases 6.7.1 and 7.0.0 during the migration? Or should I use the Java client 6.7.1, then migrate my database to 7.0.0, and finally upgrade the client to 7.0.0? Any suggestions appreciated.

I am currently using API:
org.elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient.putTemplate(org.elasticsearch.client.indices.PutIndexTemplateRequest putIndexTemplateRequest, RequestOptions options)

The warning:
[types removal] The parameter include_type_name should be explicitly specified in put template requests to prepare for 7.0. In 7.0 include_type_name will default to 'false', and requests are expected to omit the type name in mapping definitions.

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