Jdbc input plugin, sql_last_value is always 0 (or 1 January 1970)

Many hours are spent, many neurons are lost, a number of gray hairs are earned... All this in the battle with sql_last_value refreshment in .logstash_jdbc_last_run file.

My configuration:
MS SQL Server database table --> Logstash --> ElasticSearch --> Kibana

What is already done successfully:
Transfer of all data from MS SQL Server database table to ElasticSearch via Logstash, with further possibility to visualize these data in Kibana.
Scheduling is also successfull.

Where i got stuck:
Trying to make Logstash to deliver only new records from the SQL table (i.e. trying to configure incremental deliveries).

My logstash.conf file:

					jdbc_driver_library => "D:\ELK\SQL_driver\sqljdbc_6.0\enu\jre8\sqljdbc42.jar"
					jdbc_driver_class => "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
					jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:sqlserver://123.456.78.90:1433;databaseName=DB_NM"
					jdbc_user => "user"
					jdbc_password => "password"
					schedule => "*/5 * * * *"
					statement => "
										,convert(bigint, [VersionStamp]) as [VersionStamp]
									FROM [dbo].[DM_Clients]
									WHERE [SKID] > :sql_last_value
									ORDER BY [SKID]"
					use_column_value => true
					tracking_column_type => "numeric"
					tracking_column => "SKID"
					type => "clients"
					clean_run => false
					record_last_run => true
			mutate { remove_field => ["@timestamp", "@version"] }
			stdout { codec => json_lines }
								hosts => "localhost:9220"
								manage_template => false
								action => "index"
								index => "%{type}"
								document_type => "%{type}"
								document_id => "%{skid}"

My clients.mapping file:

											"skid":				{"index": "not_analyzed",	"type": "long"},
											"clientfullname":	{"index": "not_analyzed",	"type": "string"},
											"createdat":		{"index": "not_analyzed",	"type": "date"},
											"versionstamp":		{"index": "not_analyzed",	"type": "long"}

What is happening:
Transfer by schedule works well. It completes for around 3 minutes. But always all data are transferred instead of records with new SKID only.
I have checked created .logstash_jdbc_last_run file after Logstash finish and have found --- 0 value there. And after a number of transfer attempts by schedule this value is still the same.
I tried to start from scratch i.e. delete index "clients" in ES, delete mapping, create index and mapping once again and start Logstash. The picture is the same. Once finished, the value in .logstash_jdbc_last_run is --- 0.
Also, I tried to experiment with datetime column named "CreatedAt". And configured this field to be a "timestamp" for Logstash. Result in created .logstash_jdbc_last_run file is the same but in datetime format i.e. 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 Z.

What am I doing wrong?

Also, in SQL Server there is a special field type called "timestamp". Example of data: 0x0000000001068B33. I have such column in my source table: Clients.VersionStamp
And this column makes possible to monitor not only new records but updated records also because SQL Server refreshes "timestamp" field independently. So, new and updated records can be captured by the value in the field of "timestamp" type. My final goal is to use data form Clients.VersionStamp for incremental deliveries. And I'm going to convert Clients.VersionStamp to bigint in SQL statement placed into logstash.conf. And to track Clients by bigint i.e. numeric value. Is it possible to track in this way or not?

I have found the reason. Value for tracking_column should be in lower case i.e. skid instead of SKID in my case. Maybe it is due to my clients.mapping settings, maybe not, I don't know.

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