Jmeter Dates are not showing correctly in ELS

I am putting Jmeter CSV file into ELK for reporting and analysis. How ever the dates I need to use are not being put in correctly

This is the data in ELK the time should be 2019/10/29 10:00:00 , that is in the message, The data shown is Oct 29, 2019 @ 18:00:00.000

t message 2019/10/29 10:00:00,288,h_bp08 General Browsing 2,200,OKHellocom_General Browsing 2 20-26,true,42889,28,255,null,283,Servername,20001,28
t responseCode 200
t responseMessage OK
t success true
t tags beats_input_codec_plain_applied
t threadName hellocom_ General Browsing 2 20-26
time Oct 29, 2019 @ 18:00:00.000

My config file is

Read input from filebeat by listening to port 5044 on which filebeat will send the data

input {
beats {
type => "Jmeter_test"
port => "5044"

filter {
csv {
columns => [

mutate{convert => { "elapsed" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "bytes" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "grpThreads" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "allThreads" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "Latency" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "SampleCount" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "ErrorCount" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "groupId" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "vuserId" => "integer"}}
mutate{convert => { "Hits" => "integer"}}

output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug

Sending properly parsed log events to elasticsearch

elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]

The index Mappings shows

"@timestamp": {
"type": "date"

  "time": {
    "type": "date",
    "format": "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy/MM/dd||epoch_millis"

can you share what the final document looks like before it is being indexed?

The CSV file looks like this

2019/10/24 08:30:37,244,PHI Private ,200,OK,xyzcom_bp08 General Browsing 2 20-28,true,38166,1,2,,239,1,0,ServerName,0,32
2019/10/24 08:30:37,68,GetQuote_ Pge Load,200,OK,xyzcom_bp08 General Browsing 2 20-28,true,4707,1,2,,68,1,0,ServerName,0,21
2019/10/24 08:30:45,197,HHP xyz.COM Home Page,200,OK,xyzcom_bp06 xyz.COM HP 18-25,true,52971,1,3,,191,1,0,ServerName,0,18

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