I am working on an issue with Journalbeats v7.9.2 where I am unable to get the service to start after the initial Journalbeats install. I am working in a number of Linux environments and the same version of Journalbeats is running as expected. Oddly enough I noticed a pattern where this issue is only occurring within Oracle Linux 6.x versions, all while Oracle Linux 7.x are successfully running Journalbeats and using the same Journalbeats.yml file.
The error I am receiving when attempting to start Journalbeats is below:
ERROR instance/beat.go:951 Exiting: error creating reader for local journal: reader.go:100: failed to open local journal unable to open a handle to the library
Exiting: error creating reader for local journal: reader.go:100: failed to open local journal
unable to open a handle to the library
When reviewing the Support Matrix I do not see a Journalbeats Matrix which leaves me to wonder if these versions of Linux/Journalbeats are not supported, or maybe a bug. Let me know if you can provide more in-depth detail about this error. Elastic Support Matrix | Elasticsearch