Json data file to elasticsearch via filebeat and logstash

I have a little utility in C#/Ado.Net that will be running a query multiple times during the day and rewriting a text file in a folder in the following json format:

[{"Description":"Import AgoraOrder - APAC","NextStartTime":"2019-01-08T15:05:00","LastRunTime":"2019-01-07T15:05:26.78","JobRanToday0":-1,"fStatusTypeId":3,"LastUpdateTime":"2019-01-07T15:05:26.777"},{"Description":"Toolbox to NBF Stop","NextStartTime":"2019-01-08T23:45:00","LastRunTime":"2019-01-07T23:45:16.153","JobRanToday0":-1,"fStatusTypeId":null,"LastUpdateTime":null}]

I need advice how to configure filebeat and logstash to send this data to elasticsearch.

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