Kibana 6.1.0. and newer starts with error

In order to recreate this error , I deployed a new VM on Azure and installed the components manually. That worked first time and I was also able to install x-pack without any problems.

I also compared the contents of the Windows install package with the Linux Install package and they were pretty much similar.

Normally I have an install script, that deploys the components in the correct order. I also normally run the Kibana as a Windows Service.

I then tried going back to my original machine and installing it manually from a fresh command prompt, which also worked.

But to fast forward .....

The crucial thing , is the directory from where you launch Kibana for the first time. Or if you use x-pack , the directory from where you install x-pack. it has to be run from your Kibana root directory.

I use this directory structure

c:\elastic\install <<<<<<<<<<<<< all my install stuff is placed under here , scripts , packages etc

so I do the following

start a new command prompt in admin mode
create c:\elastic\kibana
robocopy from c:\elastic\install\kibana-6.1.1 to c:\elastic\kibana
********change directory to c:\elastic\kibana **********
run bin\kibana
wait for it to launch on 5601
connect wit browser to verify that it works
shut it down
and then launch Kibana Service
and again
connect with browser to verify that it works

Same thing for x-pack

start a new command prompt in admin mode
create c:\elastic\kibana
robocopy from c:\elastic\install\kibana-6.1.1 to c:\elastic\kibana
********change directory to c:\elastic\kibana **********
run bin\kibana-plugin install x-pack
wait for it to launch on 5601
connect wit browser to verify that it works
shut it down
and then launch Kibana Service
and again
connect with browser to verify that it works

I have incorporated this into my install scripts and they work fine now.

I dont know, what Elastic changed from 6..0.1 to 6.1.x , but maybe this can give them what they need.


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