Kibana 7.6.0 not starting because cannot install APM plugin

Error: Setup lifecycle of "apm" plugin wasn't completed in 30sec. Consider disabling the plugin and re-start.

When Kibana starts a plugin it goes through several lifecycles, setup, start and finally stop. This error indicates that Kibana was unable to "setup" the APM plugin. The only way to get past this error is to disable the plugin (not possible because of the bug) or get the plugin to start working.

Getting the plugin to work

Can you paste your elasticsearch logs from when Kibana starts up?

Other ways to disable the APM plugin

  1. You mentioned that you're not using security from basic, if you're not using any other basic features you could try the OSS version of Kibana as that won't come with the x-pack/apm plugin pre-installed.
  2. Remove the plugin from disk rm -rf ./kibana/x-pack/plugins/apm
  3. Patch your local Kibana with the patch from [APM] Add `xpack.apm.enabled` key to config schema by dgieselaar · Pull Request #57539 · elastic/kibana · GitHub and disable it via configuration.