Kibana 8.6 how to show the data per day per hour at the same time

Hi guys!
I am creating a dashboard where it has to show the data per day & per hour.

I add 1 histogram field using @timestamp with minimal interval by day.
Another histogram field using @timestamp with minimal interval by hour.
The metrics are added.

If I request data from 3 days of a month; the data displayed is :
day 1 with data of day 1
day 1 again but with data of day 2
day 1 again but with data of day 3.
day 2 with data of day 1 .... and so on.

Please, any suggestion what am I doing wrong,?

Thanks in advanced.

Hello @RobertC1,

I don’t think I understood the question. Could you please share a screenshot of this visualization?

Hi @Priscilla_Parodi
Thanks for you time.
First field into the visualization Histogram per day.

Second filed into visualization per hour.

Now the sequence how is shown the data

Any idea what am I doing wrong?
Why shows the dates 11/01 & 11/02 without data ?
Thanks in advanced.

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